What's the accuracy score mean? Preseason Home Up (accuracy index)

Preseason Prediction Accuracy (2000-2004)

See "notes" following the table for more information on its contents.

Magazine Rank Total
2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Phil Steele's 1 711 125 155 153 148 130
CPA Rankings [Web Site] 2 713½ 155 138½ 146 155 119
The Sporting News 3 718 133 146 131 173 135
Lindy's 4 726 148 149 150 155 124
Athlon 5 736 147 149 144 162 134
GamePlan 6 737 145 141 154 165 132
College Football News [Web Site] 7 743½ 127 149½ 162 180 125
Street & Smith 8 761 143 147 155 180 136
ATS Consultants 9 781½ 160½ 167½ 148 158½ 147

This page shows the accuracy of preseason magazines' conference predictions for the five-year span 2000-2004 ("the last five years" going into the 2005 season). In order to qualify for either table, a magazine must have been published for every year used in that table.

There is also a "2002-2004 (last three years)" table, and a "1993-2004 (all-time)" table.

Tables with more years have the advantage of having a larger sample of data: a single unusually lucky or unlucky year has less impact on the standings. However, tables with fewer years have the advantage of including more magazines: several of the magazines available today were not published if one goes back far enough.


What's the accuracy score mean? Preseason Home Up (accuracy index)