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Conference Record 1869-2021

This script computes and displays conference winning percentage over a given time span.

This script operates on data from James Howell's web site. Thanks to James for creating and maintaining his excellent database.

Note: James' site contains only data for years when each team was considered 'major' (equivalent to today's I-A), and therefore will not necessarily yield true 'all-time' results.

Conference Record, 1869-2021

  Overall Home Away Neutral
Opponent Win% gm W L T Win% gm W L T Win% gm W L T Win% gm W L T
Alabama 0.730 735 524 186 25 0.794 197 156 40 1 0.692 284 192 83 9 0.722 254 176 63 15
Tennessee 0.618 672 402 243 27 0.675 337 222 104 11 0.578 232 130 94 8 0.524 103 50 45 8
Georgia 0.618 675 408 249 18 0.680 261 175 81 5 0.638 235 146 81 8 0.500 179 87 87 5
Florida 0.586 662 377 263 22 0.692 247 167 72 8 0.521 242 122 112 8 0.526 173 88 79 6
Louisiana State 0.576 657 366 266 25 0.626 344 210 123 11 0.523 235 118 107 10 0.513 78 38 36 4
Texas A&M 0.536 718 370 318 30 0.585 341 194 136 11 0.494 354 166 170 18 0.457 23 10 12 1
Auburn 0.532 692 355 311 26 0.683 221 148 67 6 0.469 288 129 147 12 0.448 183 78 97 8
Missouri 0.519 743 370 342 31 0.584 368 207 145 16 0.453 360 156 190 14 0.500 15 7 7 1
Arkansas 0.497 698 338 342 18 0.529 221 115 102 4 0.437 340 143 186 11 0.595 137 80 54 3
Mississippi 0.458 647 288 342 17 0.541 194 103 87 4 0.381 311 114 188 9 0.514 142 71 67 4
South Carolina 0.450 525 229 281 15 0.500 278 136 136 6 0.387 212 79 127 6 0.443 35 14 18 3
Mississippi State 0.360 655 227 411 17 0.438 192 82 106 4 0.302 331 96 227 8 0.390 132 49 78 5
Kentucky 0.335 659 211 428 20 0.417 325 132 186 7 0.257 292 70 212 10 0.250 42 9 30 3
Vanderbilt 0.292 666 183 460 23 0.357 347 117 216 14 0.205 280 54 219 7 0.333 39 12 25 2

Conference Record, annual

Year AlabamaArkansasAuburnFloridaGeorgiaKentuckyLouisiana StateMississippiMississippi StateMissouriSouth CarolinaTennesseeTexas A&MVanderbilt
2021 8-24-43-52-69-15-33-56-24-43-53-54-44-40-8
2020 11-03-76-48-37-24-65-54-53-75-52-83-78-10-9
2019 6-20-85-36-27-23-59-02-63-53-53-55-34-41-7
2018 9-00-83-55-37-25-35-31-74-44-44-42-65-33-5
2017 8-11-77-23-58-24-46-23-54-44-45-30-84-41-7
2016 9-03-55-36-34-44-45-32-63-52-63-54-44-43-5
2015 8-15-32-67-25-32-65-36-24-41-71-75-34-42-6
2014 8-12-64-44-46-22-64-45-36-27-23-53-53-50-8
2013 7-10-88-13-55-30-85-33-53-57-26-22-64-44-4
2012 8-12-60-87-17-20-86-23-54-42-66-21-76-25-3
2011 8-16-24-43-57-22-69-10-82-65-46-21-74-52-6
2010 5-36-29-04-43-52-66-21-74-46-25-43-56-21-7
2009 9-03-53-58-14-43-55-34-43-54-43-54-43-50-8
2008 8-12-62-68-16-22-63-55-32-65-44-43-52-64-4
2007 4-44-45-35-36-23-57-20-84-47-23-56-34-42-6
2006 2-67-26-28-14-44-46-22-61-74-43-55-35-31-7
2005 6-22-67-15-37-22-67-21-71-74-45-33-53-53-5
2004 3-53-59-04-46-21-76-23-52-63-54-47-25-31-7
2003 2-64-45-36-26-31-78-17-11-74-42-66-22-61-7
2002 6-25-45-36-28-13-55-33-50-82-63-55-33-50-8
2001 4-44-45-36-25-31-76-34-42-63-55-37-24-40-8
2000 3-53-56-38-15-30-85-34-44-42-65-35-35-31-7
1999 8-14-42-67-25-34-41-74-46-21-70-86-25-32-6
1998 4-46-21-77-16-24-42-63-56-35-30-89-08-11-7
1997 2-62-66-36-26-22-66-24-44-45-33-58-16-30-8
1996 6-32-64-49-03-53-56-22-63-53-54-47-14-40-8
1995 5-36-35-39-03-52-64-3-13-51-71-62-5-17-15-21-7
1994 8-12-66-1-18-13-4-10-83-52-65-32-54-45-36-0-12-6
1993 5-3-13-4-18-08-12-64-43-53-52-5-12-52-66-1-17-01-7
1992 9-03-4-12-5-16-36-22-61-75-34-42-53-55-37-02-6
1991 6-15-32-57-04-30-73-41-64-31-6 5-28-03-4
1990 5-21-74-2-16-12-53-42-55-21-62-5 5-1-15-2-11-6
1989 6-17-16-14-34-32-52-54-31-61-6 6-16-20-7
1988 4-37-06-14-35-22-56-13-40-72-5 3-46-12-5
1987 4-25-25-0-13-34-21-55-11-51-53-4 4-1-16-11-5
1986 4-26-24-22-44-22-45-14-22-42-5 3-37-10-6
1985 4-1-16-23-35-13-2-11-54-1-12-40-61-6 5-17-11-4-1
1984 2-45-34-25-0-14-23-34-1-11-51-52-4-1 3-33-52-4
1983 4-24-46-04-25-12-40-64-21-55-2 4-24-3-10-6
1982 3-35-2-14-23-36-00-64-1-10-62-42-3-2 3-2-13-54-2
1981 7-05-32-43-36-02-41-4-11-5-14-23-4 3-34-41-5
1980 6-13-50-64-26-01-54-22-55-15-2 3-33-50-6
1979 6-07-14-20-65-13-34-23-32-43-4 3-34-40-6
1978 6-06-23-2-13-35-0-12-43-32-42-44-3 3-34-40-6
1977 7-07-14-23-32-46-04-22-52-43-4 1-56-20-6
1976 5-23-4-12-44-25-14-22-43-44-23-4 2-46-20-6
1975 6-06-11-4-15-15-10-61-55-11-4-13-4 3-36-12-4
1974 6-03-3-14-23-34-23-32-40-63-35-2 2-3-15-22-3-1
1973 8-03-3-12-53-43-43-45-14-32-53-4 3-33-41-5
1972 7-13-46-13-3-14-32-54-2-12-51-63-4 5-22-50-6
1971 7-05-1-15-11-65-11-63-24-21-70-74-24-24-31-5
1970 3-46-16-23-33-30-75-04-33-43-43-2-14-10-71-5
1969 2-46-15-24-1-12-3-11-64-14-20-56-16-05-22-52-3
1968 4-26-14-22-2-15-0-10-72-23-2-10-4-15-24-34-1-12-51-3-1
1967 5-13-3-13-34-23-21-63-2-14-2-10-64-34-26-06-10-5
1966 6-05-21-54-15-02-42-35-20-64-2-11-33-24-30-5
1965 6-1-17-04-2-14-22-33-33-36-31-56-14-22-1-21-61-5
1964 8-07-03-34-23-24-24-2-12-4-12-54-2-12-3-11-5-11-61-4-1
1963 7-23-46-13-3-12-40-5-14-25-1-14-1-25-21-5-13-51-5-10-5-2
1962 6-16-14-34-22-3-12-3-15-16-02-55-1-13-42-63-41-6
1961 7-06-13-43-32-52-46-05-11-55-23-44-33-41-6
1960 5-1-16-15-25-14-32-4-12-3-15-0-10-5-16-13-3-13-2-20-4-30-7
1959 4-1-25-14-32-47-01-65-26-10-74-24-33-4-10-63-2-2
1958 3-4-12-46-0-12-4-12-43-4-16-04-21-64-1-15-24-32-42-1-3
1957 1-6-12-47-04-2-13-41-74-45-0-14-2-13-32-54-34-23-3-1
1956 2-53-34-35-21-64-41-54-22-53-2-15-26-06-02-5
1955 0-73-2-15-2-13-52-53-3-12-3-15-14-41-51-53-2-14-1-15-3
1954 3-3-25-13-35-23-2-15-22-55-03-33-2-13-31-50-61-5
1953 4-0-32-44-2-11-3-21-54-1-12-3-34-1-13-1-34-22-33-2-11-51-5
1952 4-21-50-73-34-31-3-22-54-1-23-45-12-45-0-11-4-11-4-1
1951 3-52-43-42-42-43-34-2-14-2-12-51-55-35-01-3-23-5
1950 6-21-50-72-43-2-15-12-3-21-53-43-2-12-4-14-13-33-4
1949 4-3-12-42-4-21-4-11-4-14-14-22-40-65-13-34-1-10-5-14-4
1948 4-4-12-40-71-56-01-3-11-56-13-35-11-32-3-10-5-14-2-1
1947 5-21-4-11-50-3-13-32-32-3-16-12-23-24-1-12-31-4-13-3
1946 4-35-11-50-55-02-35-11-63-23-24-25-03-33-4
1945 6-01-52-31-3-14-20-55-23-32-35-00-3-23-13-32-4
1944 3-1-22-2-10-40-34-21-52-3-12-33-22-1-21-35-0-12-3 
1943  1-4  0-3 2-2  3-22-1 4-1 
1942 4-20-63-31-36-10-53-20-55-24-0-11-44-12-3-12-4
1941 5-20-60-4-11-33-1-10-42-2-22-1-14-0-15-04-0-13-15-13-2
1940 4-21-53-2-12-32-3-11-2-23-33-14-0-13-21-35-05-10-5-1
1939 2-3-12-3-13-3-10-3-11-32-2-11-52-23-25-01-36-06-01-6
1938 4-1-11-53-3-12-2-11-2-10-42-43-21-42-32-27-02-3-14-3
1937 6-03-2-14-1-23-41-2-20-55-10-43-22-2-12-2-14-32-2-24-2
1936 5-0-15-14-1-11-53-31-36-00-3-13-23-1-12-53-1-23-2-11-3-1
1935 4-22-45-21-62-43-35-03-12-30-2-31-42-31-55-1
1934 7-02-3-11-62-2-13-21-34-22-3-10-50-52-35-11-4-14-3
1933 5-0-14-12-22-33-12-33-0-22-2-11-5-10-53-05-22-2-12-2-2
1932 5-21-46-0-11-62-4-24-54-02-30-41-3-12-2-27-0-11-2-24-1-2
1931 7-10-43-32-4-26-14-2-23-21-50-51-43-3-16-0-13-23-4
1930 8-02-21-64-2-13-2-14-32-41-52-31-2-24-36-10-55-2
1929 4-31-20-76-14-23-1-13-20-4-20-3-13-1-12-56-0-12-35-1
1928 6-22-10-76-12-42-2-13-1-13-31-43-22-2-16-0-11-3-14-2
1927 3-4-12-10-6-15-26-11-52-3-13-22-35-12-45-0-14-0-15-0-2
1926 8-00-13-31-4-14-21-4-13-32-22-34-14-25-11-3-14-1
1925 7-00-2-13-2-13-22-44-20-2-10-41-45-12-22-2-14-13-3
1924 5-01-2-12-4-12-0-15-12-30-30-33-25-13-20-42-2-13-3
1923 5-1-12-20-1-31-0-23-20-2-20-30-42-1-21-3-20-44-20-3-14-0-1
1922 3-2-11-32-12-01-3-12-21-20-22-34-30-34-22-24-0
1921 0-1-12-11-2 4-00-0-1  0-1-14-2 1-0-13-0-2 
1920  2-0-1       5-1  5-1 
1919  1-2       4-0-1  4-0 
1918  0-1          1-1 
1917  0-1-1       2-4  3-0 
1916  0-2       3-1-1  2-2 
1915  1-1       1-3-1  1-1 
1914  0-2       4-1  2-0 
1913          4-0    
1912          2-3    
1911          0-2-2    
1910          2-1-1    
1909          4-0-1    
1908          3-2    
1907          1-2    

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